Earn rewards and passive income in Ethereum by holding babyLONDON.

Variable Ethereum Rewards
Up to 10% of every buy/sell is redistributed to all holders. Hold $BABYLONDON earn Ethereum.

3% Auto Liquidity Pool
3% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for Pancakeswap

5% Marketing Wallet
5% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing in BNB (swapped to BNB in real time to avoid dumps)
Head on to PancakeSwap and swap for BABYLONDON
Click here to head on over to PancakeSwap or use this address 0x3dE0a68721BC846E950438071F6AFc1faA42EF3E to select BABYLONDON.
Use a slippage tolerance of 18-20%, this can be adjusted by clicking the settings wheel. Remember the slippage amount is a tolerance and increasing the slippage doesn’t increase the transaction tax.
Now you can confirm and swap BNB for $BABYLONDON. If your newly purchased tokens aren’t showing in your wallet after purchase, please add babyLONDON to your wallet by selecting “Add custom token” and importing the baby LONDON Contract Address.
Receive Ethereum Rewards and Earn a Passive Income
Swap you’re ETH for BNB or use it to buy more babyLondon, Stake you’re ETH or keep earning more and more!!! It’s you’re decision. Enjoy the community like you’re family!
Download & setup MetaMask or TrustWallet
Download MetaMask (a crypto wallet in form of a browser extension) or TrustWallet (an app for your phone). After that you will have to add the Binance Smart Chain to your network-list. (Click here for a step-by-step tutorial)
Our whitepaper sets out our vision for the future of Baby London to aide new investors interested in our project.
Below we will explain in detail our ethos and our superior Ethereum rewards mechanism which we fully expect to lead the way in smart contract development on the Binance Smart Chain.

The development team is led by Hussein Omar & Tim Sainders. With professional expertise in IT, Management, Engineering, Social Media and Education, the team are well equipped to maintain and build a successful project. Based in the London, New York, Syndey, Toronto & Johannesburg, we are able to provide 24/7 operations and support to our community of investors.
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